Use "fetus|fetuses" in a sentence

1. We know how fetuses grow, but what makes a fetus a living person?

2. When placental fusion between the male and the female FETUSES permits the exchange of fetal cells and fetal hormones, TESTICULAR HORMONES from the male fetus can Androgenize the female fetus producing a sterile XX/XY chimeric "female"

3. 28 Since fetuses that have developmental problems take longer to habituate than normal fetuses, these types of studies may help indicate fetuses that are at risk for certain conditions.

4. 21 Previous research has shown that fetuses can habituate to sounds and that the fetus has a short-term memory of 24-hours, but this study further examined how long these memories can last.

5. Anencephalic fetuses are unable to survive outside of the womb, but they develop many functional organs, and Anencephalic fetuses are candidates for organ donation

6. No, the fetus name.

7. MODERN research indicates that “fetuses have physiological reactions to voices.”

8. The skull geometry of the anencephalic fetuses was different from normal proportions: anencephalic fetuses showed a clear mandibular prognathism, and a maxilla tilted in anterior direction.

9. The fetus develops in secret.

10. Abort definition, to bring forth a fetus from the uterus before the fetus is viable; miscarry

11. Synonyms for fetuses include embryos, Blastospheres, blastulas, unborn children and foetuses

12. >Why did the belly Bursters need to eat fetuses? They didn't need to eat fetuses they needed the amniotic fluid to gestate in

13. The origin of these cell lines is from Aborted fetuses,” Adalja said

14. Half of all fetuses with the syndrome have a congenital heart defect.

15. Others arrived at the hospital in extreme pain and aborted dead fetuses.

16. Key words: fetus, norepinephrine, adrenoreceptors, lung liquid.

17. Stereocilia and agranular endoplasmatic reticulum appear in full-term sheep fetuses.

18. Pretreatment with metoprolol blocked the tachycardia associated with ephedrine administration to unatropinized fetuses.

19. I want that fetus out right now.


21. They use an elongated proboscis-like tongue to suck fetuses from these pregnant women.

22. 27 He read of animals with prolonged pregnancies whose fetuses lacked a pituitary gland.

23. The risk to the fetus is extremely low.

24. Nicoll and Arnold describe an Anencephalous fetus with absence of spinal marrow; and Smith also records the birth of an amyelitic fetus

25. 2 Movement of fetus toward the birth canal

26. A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the fetus.

27. Acardia What is Acardia? Acardia or Acardiac Fetus is a lethal disease of the fetus usually encountered in pregnancies with identical twins

28. Key words: corticosteroid binding globulin, cortisol, adrenalectomy, fetus, sheep.

29. In developing fetuses, these openings are joined in a sac known as the Cloaca

30. To apply it to anencephalic fetuses requires a further, and much more dubious, step.

31. Approximately 99 percent of fetuses with Turner syndrome spontaneously terminate during the first trimester.

32. 29 " In a second session, the fetus "remembers" the stimulus and the number of stimuli needed for the fetus to habituate is then much smaller.

33. An ultrasound scan can detect abnormality in a fetus.

34. Placenta and fetus were free of detectable tumor tissue.

35. 14 This is a second trimester fetus and uterus.

36. IGF2R helps stop the fetus from overgrowing the womb.

37. A pregnant woman passes some immunity to her developing fetus.

38. These research procedures are common in several countries where live fetuses from legal abortions are available.

39. Chorion Meaning: "outer membrane of the fetus," 1540s, medical Latin, from Greek khorion "membrane enclosing the fetus,… See definitions of Chorion.

40. The aborting of viable fetuses is a growing problem as the number of abortions increases.

41. In sheep, the extent to which cloning produces over-large fetuses is difficult to quantify.

42. The Cloaca in human fetus have the same function, i.e

43. During pregnancy, the Cervix stays closed to protect the developing fetus.

44. In Denmark, between 1970 and 1984, 76% of the prenatally diagnosed fetuses with triple-X were aborted.

45. Nor is an anti-abortion candidate who aired graphic television commercials with footage of dismembered fetuses.

46. A full-term fetus with holo-Acranial anencephaly and other abnormalities

47. Why pump out the amniotic fluid but keep the fetus intact?

48. In India almost half a million female fetuses are aborted every year because the gender is considered inferior.

49. Typically, about a dozen of the demonstrators carried six-foot wooden placards with giant photos of aborted fetuses.

50. Police reported that Kuen intended to sell the fetuses in Taiwan for about 6,300 USD each.

51. During pregnancy, the Cervix stays closed to protect the developing fetus.

52. Afetal: ( ă-fē'tăl ), Without relation to a fetus or intrauterine life.

53. The stages of development for a baby are zygote, embryo, and fetus.

54. In the case of an anencephalic fetus, no such development is possible.

55. As a fetus, Aurora learned to process information... just like a computer.

56. The reason for the disparity is selective abortion following fetus-gender testing.

57. And the basis of the fetus' prediction is what its mother eats.

58. In humans, Chimerism most commonly occurs when a pregnant woman absorbs a few cells from her fetus. The opposite may also happen, where a fetus absorbs a few cells from its mother

59. Overview What is chorioamnionitis? Chorioamnionitis is a condition that can affect pregnant women.In this condition, bacteria infects the Chorion and amnion (the membranes that surround the fetus) and the amniotic fluid (in which the fetus floats).This can lead to infections in both the mother and fetus.

60. Ketosis (also called Acetonemia) is the result of the high carbohydrate (energy) demand of multiple fetuses in late pregnancy

61. Amniotic fluid is the liquid that surrounds a fetus in the womb

62. Inside the uterus, endometrial tissue helps nourish a developing fetus during pregnancy.

63. These weeks are the period of the most rapid development of the Fetus.

64. An Anterior placenta will sit between the front of the stomach and the fetus.

65. Not enough evidence is available to support the use of x-ray pelvimetry in patients whose fetuses have Cephalic presentations

66. Abortion [ah-bor´shun] termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable

67. Acardiac Fetus is very rare only occuring in approximately 1 in 34,000 pregnancies

68. When awake, he lay motionless, coiled like a fetus and almost as helpless.

69. The measurements of the cranial bones of 138 human fetuses (ala parva, ala magna, corpus ossis sphenoidalis, pars petrosa et mastoidea, pars basilaris, pars lateralis ossis occipitalis) originating from stillborn fetuses or new-born infants who died a few hours after birth were determined. The length of the fetuses varied between 9 and 55 cm. There were 71 male and 67 female fetuses. The regression equation, the correlation coefficients (r) as well as the significant (S) of the correlation coefficients concerning the cranial measurements to the body length were determined.

70. Pre-eclampsia happened when fetuses injected too much of the stuff, perhaps if they were having trouble getting enough nourishment.

71. The pair of sex Chromosomes determines whether a fetus becomes male or female

72. [ These weeks are the period of the most rapid development of the fetus. ]

73. First as strangers, then as friends, later as couples and followed by fetus.

74. Do you have to be religious to believe a fetus is a life?

75. He picked up a jar large enough to hold a fetus in formaldehyde.

76. 8 Embryology: Study of the formation and development of an embryo and fetus.

77. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a test that can find certain problems with your fetus

78. It is generally theorized that testosterone may Androgenize the fetus based on limited animal models

79. Cesarean section, surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision

80. A Biophysical profile (BPP) test measures the health of your baby (fetus) during pregnancy